Friday, January 1, 2010

GHOULA Annual Report 2009

(Alhambran F.E. Ormsby holding his 13 month calendar, 1929)


GHOULA has many great things planned for the upcoming year.

But first, let's take a last look back at 2009.

SPIRITS with SPIRITS continued its monthly meetings, visiting 12 new haunted restaurants/bars in the Los Angeles area, as well as celebrating its one year anniversary in June. There was even a special meet-up in September at Patrick's Roadhouse, which closed its doors to the public, so that GHOULA could take over for one night (about 50 GHOULA members attended). That event now seems even more special considering the recent news that Patrick's may be forced out of that historic location. (To revisit the 2009 "SPIRITS with SPIRITS" locations see below)

In 2009, GHOULA started a new feature on this site called "REAL GHOST with REEL GHOSTS." As a way to celebrate "Tinsel Town's" film history and Hollywood's haunted history, anytime a movie about ghosts was shown in a haunted local theater, the details were posted on this site. (for an example...)

Also, this last year featured, for the first ever, a GHOULA Ghost Hunt. In conjunction with KTLA News, a small group of GHOULA members led a camera crew through the the haunted movie palaces of downtown. (for more details...)

2009 was a great year for GHOULA, and judging from the surprises that are in the works, 2010 will be even better.

The SPIRITS with SPIRITS locations of 2009

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


When: December 29th @ 8pm
Where: Pickwick Bowl 1001 Riverside Drive, Burbank (map)

A group of local bloggers (and some members of GHOULA) are meeting to bowl and have a good time. All are invited. Although, this event is open to the public, individuals are expected to pay for their own games and shoe rentals if they plan to bowl.

Although Pickwick Bowl has no ghost stories attached to it, at least none that the staff will admit to (update: for ghost story click here.), the historic bowling alley does have a connection to the "ghost culture" of Southern California.

Pickwick Bowl was the inspiration for one of the audio-animatronic "happy haunts" from Disneyland's Haunted Mansion. There used to be a sign in front of this leisure complex that featured a caricature of "Pickwick," the Dicken's character (and this establishment's mascot). It seems that Imagineers that would commute to work at WED enterprises (now Walt Disney Imagineering) just a few blocks away decided to pay tribute to the cheerful fellow on the sign they past everyday. Thus, in the ballroom scene of Disneyland's Haunted Mansion, a ghost hanging from a chandelier (also known by the name "Pickwick") was created to match the one at Pickwick Bowl.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

THREATENED: Haunted Restaurant

Patrick's Roadhouse, a friend of GHOULA'S (or FOG), apparently may be shutting its doors for good (despite its brisk business) over a landlord/tenant dispute. Unfortunately, time may be running out if you want to experience this haunted SoCal treasure one last time.

If you know any new developements regarding this haunted property, please leave a comment below with the current info.

UPDATE: Patrick's Roadhouse will be allowed to continue for the next year, while the issues are sorted out.
(for more info...)

Friday, December 25, 2009


Happy (Haunted) Holidays from your friends a GHOULA.

The Roosevelt Hotel (pictured in the background of this festive photo) is one of the most famously haunted buildings in Los Angeles, featuring many ghosts of Christmas' past.

(for more info on the Roosevelt Hotel...)