Monday, July 30, 2012

85th Valentino Memorial Service

Note: This event is not hosted by GHOULA. This is just a local (ghost related) event that exists independently that GHOULA wants its members to know about. As such, docents and staff at this event may not wish to discuss this landmark's haunted history.

Where: Hollywood Forever Cemetery
6000 Santa Monica Boulevard (map)
Date: August 23 (Thursday)
Time: 12:10 pm

One can read about Valentino's many achievements and super stardom elsewhere, but what is of interest to local ghost hunters about this silent film celebrity is the ubiquitous nature of his ghost. Valentino is said to repeatedly haunt many buildings and places throughout Hollywood, Beverly Hills, and Downtown. Even the ghosts of his horse and favorite dog have been spotted over the years

The reason for these many sightings probably stems from two facts from his time in Southern California. First, because of his popular and fun-loving nature, there are not many places locally that he didn't visit, stay at, dance at, entertain at, or was entertained at (both before and after stardom). Secondly, he (along with his wife) were outspoken believers in the spirits, and participated in many demonstrations of seances. Incidentally, he has also been known to show up at many more seances after he departed.

Although Hollywood Forever Cemetery is easily one of the most haunted local cemeteries, ironically his ghost has not been seen there. But, it has been seen in the neighboring Paramount studios (some have even claimed his ghost goes through the adjoining wall as if going into the cemetery). Though Valentino may not haunt the premises, the ghost of a "women in black" has been seen periodically visiting his marker, and disappearing around a corner. The identity of this "woman" is difficult to determine, since over the decades, many women (including one who still does these duties today) have also donned that same mourning outfit and repeated the ritual of visiting his final resting place. The idea of Valentino's "woman in black" seems to be a local tradition past down through the generations (as well as something often imitated).

So, come out and celebrate the life (and after-life) of one of the silver screen's most unique stars.

For more info...

Saturday, July 14, 2012

(Haunted) Bridge Party

Date: July 14, 2012
Time: 6:00 PM - 11:00 PM
Where: Colorado St Bridge (map)
Admission: $16 (adults) $8 (children) Free (kids under 6)

Note: This event is not hosted by GHOULA. This is just a local (ghost related) event that exists independently that GHOULA wants its members to know about. As such, guides, volunteers, docents and/or staff at this event may not wish to discuss this landmark's haunted history.

A celebratory salute to Old Pasadena will be the theme of this special fundraising event. Guardians of Old Pasadena will honor individuals and organizations who led the effort to save Old Pasadena from the wrecking ball and set the stage for the revitalization of Pasadena's original downtown. More information will be available as plans are finalized for this gala celebration.

BOO-ook signing

UNDER ANGELS (A supernatural thriller set in the haunted tunnels of Los Angeles)
Book signing with author Jace Daniel

Date: Sunday, July 29
Time: 12:00p to 2:00p
Where: Chevalier's Books
126 N. Larchmont Blvd., LA CA 90004

Crossword puzzle enthusiast Pete Durante is a war dog trainer stationed near the Los Angeles Harbor during World War II. After he cracks an enemy code that helps end the war and saves millions of lives, he gets driven to suicide by a vengeful intelligence officer named Rip Greamer. To save his family from an even darker fate, Pete must follow his dog beyond the grave and into a purgatorial maze of tunnels beneath Los Angeles to solve one final puzzle.

Under Angels is a ghost story that includes Los Angeles history, UFOs, anagrams, the K-9 Command Unit, WWII cryptography, love, tragedy, second chances, and Greamer, who is either a covert government agent or something far worse.

View book trailer:
Reader reviews:
Ranked #7 on Amazon in Occult Horror

Thursday, July 5, 2012


GHOULA meets for cocktails in haunted places on the 13th of each month. “SPIRITS with SPIRITS” is a casual social gathering of regional ghost hunters and those that just like ghost stories. Open to all, from the curious skeptic to the passionate phantom pursuer. Make friends, and toast a ghost! Let's put the “Boo!” back into “booze.”

All those who attend will receive a free (square) G.H.O.U.L.A. button. If you already have one, please wear it so others can find you, without asking the staff about our group.

THE DATE: July 13th, 2012 (Friday the 13th)
THE PLACE: One-Eyed Gypsy
901 E. 1st Street, Los Angeles (Downtown) (Map)
THE TIME: 8:00pm to the witching hour (Happy Hour 5pm-9pm)


What is the oldest bar in Los Angeles? This has been a long-standing debate among those that study the local alcoholic arts. When this topic arises, the saloon at 901 East First Street is always in the discussion. Although the building has been altered and rebuilt, and it has changed ownership and names over the decades (One-Eyed Gypsey, Bordello, Little Pedros, Caruso's Lunch Counter, Tony's Cafe, Panzich Cafe, Pitzel's Restaurant, etc.), it has continuously operated as a local watering hole since at least 1899 when J.H. Klohn got a license to sell alcohol at this address (and maybe even earlier).

Given the amount of alcohol served here for the last 113 years, is it any wonder that this place has many legends and ghost stories associated with it? It has also been on GHOULA's radar since we started "Spirits with Spirits."

Employees claim that voices call out from empty rooms, and unseen hands will touch, push, and sometimes pinch (or "goose") them in the wee hours of the night. Objects move, doors open and close, and lights and faucets turn on and off. Most of the activity seems to occur around the men's restroom, but one well-witnessed event occurred at the bar when a crown that sits upon the head of a stature (high above anyone's reach) flew across the room.

It has been said that this establishment at one time was a brothel, until it burned to the ground killing all those inside. It has also been said to have been a speak-easy during Prohibition. Plus, during it's time as a notorious biker-bar in the 1980's, at least six unreported murders are said to have occurred within its walls, including the untimely death of a former waitress.

Although such legends are hard to confirm (and as such are common with old bars), this doesn't necessarily mean they are not true. There does seem to be old newspaper accounts that offer some support of these often repeated tales. For example, in 2006, a barroom brawl did erupt into gunfire on the street outside the entrance, leading to one murder.

During Prohibition, one former owner was arrested when the police seized 250 gallons of wine (11 barrels) from the basement. It was later discovered that the alcohol was legal and the owner had the proper permits. The next owner (also during Prohibition) was also arrested and charged with running an illegal bootlegging operation out of this saloon. That owner claimed the police force were only exposing him because he wouldn't pay their "protection" fees.

Also, there was a period when the saloon rented out rooms on their second floor to transient railroad workers and others. When Dan Pitzel operated the saloon during the turn of the last century, the police commission, because of local pressure, half-heartedly threatened (for many years) to revoke his license, claiming Pitzel was "violating the rules" because of the "improper conduct" that occurred in this saloon (which was frequented by local police officers). It is left to your imagination what "improper conduct" from a saloon on the edge of town that also rents rooms could mean.

Although the current staff believes that the bar is haunted by a female entity, most likely a former madam (when it was a brothel) or the before mentioned murdered waitress, it is interesting to note that in 1902, a 26 year old waitress, Miss Anna Feliz, committed suicide a couple of blocks away. She apparently had been ill for some time before, and the pain and suffering from working here with that illness just became too great one night. Some have theorized that her "sickness" may have been the result of a botched abortion, which was not uncommon in brothels of the time.

Additionally, given the bar's placement next to the L.A. River, the possibility of everybody's favorite ghost, La LLorona, can't be ruled out completely as the resident female spirit. Incidentally, The One-Eyed Gypsey has the greatest "Woman in Black," LLorona-esque fortune-telling arcade machine in the city. (Well worth the 50 cent asking price.)

That stated, considering the ghostly activity in the men's restroom, and the frisky nature of the "spirit hands" that touch the female staff, it is also quite possible that at least one male entity also haunts this site. Could it be the man that was shot in the barroom in 1906 (the only murder within its walls reported)? Could it be one of the men said to have committed suicide off of the 1st Street Bridge after having had a last drink here? Could it be the mysterious man that supposedly groaned all night from his room upstairs only to be found dead in the morning with a belly full of poison? Then again, it could be any of the many colorful characters who have owned, bartended, or past through the doors of this colorful establishment in the last century.

So, come out to the One-Eyed Gypsy this Friday the 13th, and ponder these super-natural possibilities over a glass of their signature "Siren's Punch" in quite possibly Los Angeles oldest bar... if you dare!
(to read about last month's haunted location... )
(to see a map of previous SPIRITS with SPIRITS locations... )

The area as it was in 1929.

Now Available from GHOULA PRESS!

Issue #2: This is the City

Featuring the spine-tingling talents of...
Richard Carradine, Rikki Niehaus, Wayne Poe, Grasiela Rodriguez, Ian Stone, Tavish Stone, Sarah Troop, Steve Troop, Jim Wheelock, Michael Aushenker, Victor Avila, Ken Brilliant, Jose Cabrera, Caitlyn Carradine, Mike Kelley, Nathan Lenz, and the Great Lonnie Millsap

A comic book anthology of Los Angeles-based ghost stories by Los Angeles-based artists prepared by a Los Angeles-based ghost club to promote local ghosts. (127 pages)

Price: $6.00

If you are interested contributing to an upcoming issue of GHOULA COMIX...

GHOULA is seeking comic book artists for our next Los Angeles Ghost Stories Anthology.

Guidelines are as follows:

· Narrative must take place in Los Angeles County
· Narrative must include a ghost
· Narrative can be fictional or based on local ghost folklore
· Submit artwork in black and white only
· Submit original artwork or digital files at 300dpi
· Standard Comic Book size: Must fit within 7”Wx10”H
· No limit on # of pages!

GHOULA is dedicated to the preservation of greater L.A.'s rich haunted history, and the promotion and celebration of this local lore through ghostly gatherings, paranormal experiments, and events.

Participants will receive a lifetime membership GHOULA button, copies of the published work, and most importantly, the satisfaction and secret glory of seeing your comic in print.

(to order this book...)
(to order GHOULA Comix, Issue #1: Welcome to LA...)
(To see other books available on GHOULA Press...)

(Haunted) Theater Tour

Where: Palace Theatre
630 S. Broadway (map)
Date: July 14 (Saturday)
Time: 10:30 am - 12:30 pm (Doors open: 10:15 am)
Admission: $10.00 - Tickets available thru PayPalHere
FREE for LAHTF Members -Join Now

Note: This event is not hosted by GHOULA. This is just a local (ghost related) event that exists independently that GHOULA wants its members to know about. As such, guides and staff at this event may not wish to discuss this landmark's haunted history.

A behind-the-scenes tour - from the basement to the balcony
L.A. Historic Theatre Foundation, in association with the Broadway Theatre Group, invites you to learn the history and hear the story of the re-birth of a Broadway treasure - the Palace Theatre (1911).

Join us in celebrating the 101st Anniversary of this great theatre.

In the first half of 2011, the Palace closed its doors and underwent an amazing transformation. Artisans and craftsmen peeled back years of alterations and wear and tear to reveal the beautiful theatre hidden underneath. The restoration was achieved under the leadership of one of the Palace owners, Shahram Delijani of the Broadway Theatre Group, and general contractor Ed Kelsey.

Ed Kelsey will share the story of the "six month miracle" through before and after photos. Several of the artisans and technicians who did the restoration work will be present to answer your questions and explain the techniques employed.

(for more info about the ghosts of this theater...)

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy 4th of GHOULY!

"Anyone want another Hot Dog?"

Every year, GHOULA pays tribute to this great country by profiling a ghost from American pop-culture that has ties to Southern California. This year, we spotlight the great green ghost of filmdom's phatoms.

It can be argued that a large part of Ghostbusters continued success is thanks to a flying ball of neon-green ecto-plasma with an insatiable appetite for food and drink. Although, he was originally referred to as "onion head" during the making of the movie, this lovable scene-stealing spirit quickly became known to fans as "Slimer," and "he" went from a couple of scenes in the movie to a central figure of the cartoon version of the movie (the "Scooby-Doo" of this team), to the star of the renamed show ("Slimer!"), to a prominent figure in all video game and comic book versions (and to the subject of his own breakfast cereal and sugary beverage, presumably to consume while watching the show or reading the comics or playing the games).

Fictionally speaking, Slimer is a New Yoker. In reality, the physical creation of this character has no ties to the "Big Apple." Not only was he designed and crafted by the talented people at the now defunct Boss Film Studios (which at the time was based in Marina Del Rey), but all of his scenes in the fictional New York-based "Sedgewick Hotel" were either shot at Los Angeles' very own (haunted) Biltmore Hotel, or in the sound stages at Warner Bros Studios located in Burbank. Even the interiors of Ghostbuster HQ, a converted fire station, where Slimer takes up residence in the sequel, where shot at LAFD's decommissioned Station #23.

Additionally, the successful animated show that continued to chronicle the adventures of Slimer were produced at the now defunct DIC Entertainment, which was directly across the street from the sound stages that Slimer called home in beautiful downtown Burbank.

On a stranger note, it has been said that Slimer's personality may have been inspired by John Belushi, the comic genius and the buddy of Dan Ackroyd (star and co-writer of Ghostbusters). Belushi was suppose to star in the film (with Ackroyd), but died before production started at West Hollywood's Chateau Marmont, where his actual ghost is said to haunt. Is this a case of life (or the after-life) imitating art?

GOD BLESS AMERICA'S GHOSTS! Happy 4th of July, everyone!

(to see last year's ghost from American pop culture...)
(to see more Ghostbusters-related locations...)

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Marilyn's Memorial (50th Anniversay)

Note: This event is not hosted by GHOULA. This is just a local (ghost related) event that exists independently that GHOULA wants its members to know about. As such, docents and staff at this event may not wish to discuss this landmark's haunted history.

Date: August 5, 2011 (Sunday)
Time: 12:00 pm (noon)
Place: Westwood Memorial Park,
1218 Glendon Avenue, Westwood, CA 90024 (map)

Tucked away in a small cemetery, which in itself, is fittingly tucked away behind a movie theater, sits the crypt of Marilyn Monroe. Since this blonde bombshell is one of the most ubiquitous ghosts in Hollywood (along side the ghost of silent screen star Rudolf Valentino), it makes perfect sense that her final resting place would also be counted as one of the many places said to be haunted by the spirit of this larger than life sex symbol. Although, her famous form (said to be the inspiration for the Coke's trademarked bottle) has never been seen at this location, witnesses have claimed that a strange fog sometimes appears around her pink-stained marble marker.

So, come out and celebrate the life (and after-life) of one of the silver screen's most unique stars. This will be the 50th anniversary of her death, so there will be other special events connected with this yearly tradition

(For more info about this cemetery...)
(For more info about the memorial...)
(For more info about the 50th anniversary events...)



Los Angeles' Largest Gathering of Ghost Hunters

Note: This event is not hosted by GHOULA. This is just a local (ghost related) event that exists independently that GHOULA wants its members to know about.

When: August 11 at 12:00pm until August 12 at 1:00am
Where: Mazatlan Theatre
3355 N. Eastern Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90032
Admission: $5.00

There is parking in a nearby public parking lot, Linda Vista Hospital has generously allowed parking in the rear parking lots, where the Ghost Coach Shuttle will shuttle folks from there to the Mazatlan as Scott has arranged, there is also a recreation center two blocks away where parking is available.

$1 to investigate the Mazatlan Theatre

For more info...!/events/325129620897281/

Monday, July 2, 2012

Ghost Art In Burbank

Welcome Foolish Mortals...
to the 3rd Annual Tribute to the Haunted Mansion Group Art Show!

When: On Exhibit Through July 21st
Where: Halloween Town
2921 W. Magnolia Blvd. Burbank, CA 91505
Admission: Free

Current Featured Artists: Rick Baker, William Basso, The Creep, Curioddities,Dienzo, Frank Dietz, Daniel Horne, Hideousboi, Bob Lizarraga, Eric Pigors, Queenie, Dan Szczepanski, Wolfinger, and Zombienose

For more info...