In the event you have stumbled across this page, and know nothing about GHOULA. We are a social club dedicated to the preservation of greater L.A.'s rich haunted history, and the promotion and celebration of this local lore through ghostly gatherings, events, and publications. We are open to all, from the curious skeptic to the passionate phantom pursuer. In the past, we have done walking tours, bus tours, and even subway tours exploring our city's strangest ghost stories. We have produced theatrical revues in historic haunted locations (creepy puppet shows, free outdoor screenings, dances that conjure the spirits, etc). We have even published books about this stuff (see sidebar to the right). We have curated perfumes that bring to life LA's stinkiest phantoms, created exhibits of local haunted artifacts, but what people generally know us from are our meet-ups in haunted bars ("Spirits with Spirits"). Basically, we like to tell ghost stories about Los Angeles' darker history, while exploring our city. If you are in to that kind of stuff (and if you are still reading this, we're going to guess that you are), then we are the club for you! Please subscribe for our mailing list (upper left corner) and we will notify you about our next ghostly gathering. Thanks!
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