Monday, June 22, 2009


Date: July 22, 2009
Place: Century City's Movies on the Terrace
(10250 Santa Monica Blvd.) map

The Biltmore Hotel, the Central Library, and Dan Ackroyd's former residence are just a few of the local locations that have a connection with this comedy classic. (read more)


DATE: June 22, 2009 (tonight)
TIME: 8:00 pm
PLACE: Pilippe's Original
(1001 N Alameda St,Los Angeles, CA 90012) map

Class is now in session.

Some have expressed interest in getting together outside of our general events to discuss topics in more detail, as well as fill gaps in their general ghost knowledge. It has been suggested that GHOULA start an informal phantom forum for such a purpose.

So, your Friends at GHOULA have partnered up with The High Priestess RaVen, a fourth generation medium, who is based in Los Angeles, and will moderate these seminars. It is our hope that each gathering will feature a specific topic and a a guest speaker to discuss this topic.

Since this is our inaugural GHOULA SKOOLA, there will be not set agenda, instead we wish that everyone in attendence to voice there wishes for this program, as well as get to know our Moderater, RaVen.

So, if there are any questions you want to ask a psychic ghost investigator, now is your chance.

For more info:
RaVen (
Philippe's (
Philippe's Haunted History
(October 13th: Spirits with Spirits at Philippes th... )

Friday, June 19, 2009


Date: June 19, 2009
Place: Los Angeles Film Festival (Broxton Ave.)

The Biltmore Hotel, the Central Library, and Dan Ackroyd's former residence are just a few of the local locations that have a connection with this comedy classic. (read more)

Monday, June 15, 2009

Highlights form June's SWS

Thank you to all those that braved the freeways to come out to the Queen Mary on the 13th, and sorry to those that came out and couldn't find someone with a GHOULA button in the bar. Give the macabre beauty of this local landmark, and the maze-like network of creepy halls, stairwells, and decks, it was difficult keeping people to stay in that one room (which for some bizarre reason was filled with visiting belly-dancers).

Although no one seemed to have a ghostly encounter (as in a full manifestation), there were a couple of incidents that may be worth noting. A couple of F.O.G.'s (Friends of Ghoula), independantly discovered black stains on their palms while exploring the ship. Assuming it was grease or brass polish (from holding the hand rails), they continued their separate tours, and never gave the mysterious smudges another thought.

The next day, GHOULA recieved an email from someone, who while researching the ghost stories of the Queen Mary (later that night), came across a story concerning the ghost of John Pedder. Some say that this ghost (who used to be a mechanic for the ship) sometimes reaches out and touches guests of the Queen Mary, as evidenced by unexplained black grease stains on a person's hands or face. Did John Pedder make contact with us that night? Only John Pedder knows for sure.

(to read about the SPIRITS of this location...)

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


THE DATE: June 12th (Friday)
THE TIME: Midnight
THE PLACE: The Silent Movie Theater (611 N. Fairfax Ave.) map
THE MOVIE: Hausu (1977)
THE PRICE: $10.00

Come out and see a movie about ghosts in an actual haunted theater!

The Silent Movie Theater is said to be the home of a phantom projectionist and a disappearing/reappearing blood stain in the lobby... (read more)

Monday, June 1, 2009


GHOULA meets for cocktails in haunted places on the 13th of each month. “SPIRITS with SPIRITS” is a casual gathering of regional ghost hunters. Open to all, from the curious skeptic to the passionate phantom pursuer. Make friends, and toast a ghost! Let's put the “Boo!” back into “booze.” All those who attend will receive a free G.H.O.U.L.A. button. If you already have, please wear it so others can find you.

THE DATE: June 13th, 2009 (Saturday)
THE PLACE: The Observation Bar (map)
(The Queen Mary, 1126 Queen's Highway, Long Beach)
THE TIME: 9pm to the witching hour


Before the mighty Queen Mary was dubbed "the most haunted ship in the world," it, ironically, had another spooky nickname, "The Grey Ghost." It was called this because of the temporary gray paint job it had during its brief wartime service as a means to transport soldiers quickly back-and-forth across the Atlantic Ocean. Luckily for locals, this historic boat is now permanently docked in Long Beach where it has made the smooth transition from luxury liner to luxury hotel.

Its history and ghosts stories have been well-documented in numerous books and TV shows. It is said that this stately ship may have over a hundred different ghosts on board. The notable sea-worthy spirits include the ghost of John Pedder (a.k.a. "The Shaft Alley Specter"), who was crushed to death in water-tight door no. 13 during a routine drill, and the spirit of Senior Second Officer W.E. Stark, who accidentally poisoned himself when he mistook carbon tecrachloride for gin. Also, there are phantoms of men in overalls, uniformed staff, formally dressed dinner guests, tuxedoed partiers, women in bathing suits, soldiers, children, a former switch-board operator, a woman dressed in white, a woman in a mini-skirt, a 1940's woman, and the victims of a knife-wielding maniac. There are disembodied voices, the sounds of laughter and children playing, footsteps that echo down empty halls, and the sorrowful moans and cries of the 338 soldiers who drowned during a tragic collision with another vessel.

That said, what makes this haunted location of real interest is the management's willingness to use ghosts to promote their unique hotel. In the beginning, the Queen Mary offered flashlight-lit expeditions into the abandon bowels of the ship. Over the years, that simple premise has evolved into elaborate walk-thru environments with theatrical lighting and special effects that rival Disneyland's dark rides. Plus, every October, the ship is converted into an old fashioned "Spook House" attraction to scare the local teenagers. In addition, plaques have been placed around the decks and other public places informing guests of locations where ghosts have been seen, a ghost guide is available in the gift shop, and the hotel hosts an event entitled "Dining with the Spirits," where guests are given a tour of the haunted spots after a gourmet dinner. There is even a 24-hour "ghost-cam" set up to capture any activity in their extremely haunted indoor pool area that can be accessed on-line. This is one place that seems to have worked all of the apparition angles.

Perhaps one day, these inspired ghostly gimmicks will serve as a model for other local hotels, who discourage any connection to the super-natural. Until that day (or until the management changes their minds), the Queen Mary is the greatest "paranormal playground" in the world.

(to see last month's SPIRITS with SPIRITS location...)