Saturday, October 16, 2010

Gambling with Ghosts!

(NOTE: This is not a GHOULA event. This event is organized by our friends at GHOST STUDY LOS ANGELES. GHOULA is just passing the information along to those local ghost enthusiasts, who may be interested in such an event.)

Date: Saturday, October 23
Time: 6:30am - 11:00pm
Location: Buffalo Bill's (& Whiskey Pete's)
Pick-up location: Parking behind Hooters and the Mariposa,
West Covina, off of Garvey on the 10 fwy.
Admission: $30 a person
(includes transportation, soft drinks, beer, and snacks)


It will be one big celebration all the way to Buffalo Bill's & Whiskey Pete's (a well known haunted casino). "Whiskey Pete" used to own a filling station in this remote desert outside of Las Vegas. As a side business, Pete sold moonshine, earning him his nickname. He was a cantankerous old miner who died in 1933…though his spirit seems to live on. His body was buried in a secret, unmarked location in the desert sands, until it was accidentally dug up during the construction of the monorail that connects the two casinos. His remains were then relocated to a cave (the one where he made his hooch) in a nearby hill. Ever since then, his ghost watches (while smoking a pipe) over those who gamble in his casino. Many people have also reported finding their cars’ empty gas tanks filled up overnight in the parking lot! Also, the Bonnie and Clyde bullet-riddled "Deathmobile" is on display in the casino. Some folks also believe that the famed bank-robber, Clyde Barrow, haunts this building (especially the area near the gruesome display) as well.

After boarding the bus it takes three to four hours of continuous party, we arrive at casino or shops and stay for at least 7 hours, we board bus to come back by 7:00pm. By the time we come back everyone is usually pooped out so we watch dvd movies, or we can continue the party. We should arrive back home between 11:00 and midnight, totally exhausted, but Happy.

Please make out checks to Bobby Garcia or Yvonne Martinez, or give payment to one of the GSLA members, also you can contact Yvonne or Bobby at,
or just email us here on facebook.
number to contact: Yvonne 626-374-0331

This is one party you don't want to miss...See you there...

Friday, October 15, 2010

Sunday's Secret Screening Location!

Location: Linda Vista Hospital
610 South Saint Louis Street, Los Angeles (map)

Come out for our third free outdoor screening tomorrow (Sun, 0ct 17, @7:30pm) and see "House on Haunted Hill" at this real haunted hospital (like the one in the movie). Also, hear about this local landmark's dark history (and ghost stories) from Sarah Troop of the BHPP (Boyle Heights Paranormal Project).

When this hospital (originally built for Santa Fe Railroad employees) opened in 1904, it may have had a simple design on the outside, but it was all state-of-the-art on the inside. Among the many (then) high-tech gadgets found here were automatic elevators (push-button), automatic fire escapes (using body weight to lower slowly), and automatic wheelchairs (???). Some of the revolutionary design elements used in the construction (and now commonplace) were individually heated/cooled rooms, park lands surrounding the hospital, large interconnected halls on each floor and passages to each building (which created one overall structure), so beds and bath tubs could be rolled easily from any room to any other room. Also, within this maze, the walls were curved at each intersection (to make turning easier for wheel chairs). The Hospital also featured tiled surgical rooms so cleaning could be done simply with a water hose. These features made it the most sanitary and best equipped hospital on the Pacific Coast, and one of the largest hospitals in the country at that time.

Unfortunately, these improvements (as with any hospital) are never enough to keep patients from dying within their walls. In over a hundred years, there has been a lot of death and sadness at this site. So, it is no wonder that just about any kind of paranormal experience that one can imagine has happened within these buildings.

Highlights from Oct's SWS

A ghoul time was had by all. It seems when we do these events in hotels, it's hard to gauge how many people attend, since most people want to explore the haunted hotel. One member said that they were part of a small group that sneaked into the basement. When they heard others coming down a corridor, they hid, until they realized the other group also had GHOULA buttons, and had also sneaked down there as well.

A security guard told us a story that he was once walking down a hall on the 11th floor, when he saw an elderly lady slowly walking toward him. Just as they past each other, he decided to see if see needed help, but when he turned around to talk to her, she was gone. The hall was empty. It is also interesting to note, that a young woman just recently fell to her death from the 11th floor.

One of the waitresses also told us that there is a stairway near the pool, where many employees have heard foot steps when no one was there. Thank you all, who came out to the Biltmore, and we'll see you again next 13th.

(to read more about the ghosts of the Biltmore...)

The Great Million Dollar Ghost Hunt!

A special event hosted by GHOULA (Ghost Hunters of Urban Los Angeles) and LAVA Visionary Nick Matonak immediately following the monthly Sunday Salon at Clifton's Cafeteria. To reserve, click this link (reservations are good for one person only-- each person in a group must sign up individually).

Calling all ghost hunters, paranormal investigators, psychics, sensitives, and those interested in getting a glimpse of the "other side." Whether you are acting alone, or in a team, GHOULA wants you! Whether you are a seasoned pro or this is your first ghost hunt, GHOULA wants you!

If you are up for the challenge, come be a part of the biggest "ecto-experiment" ever attempted in Los Angeles (and possibly the world).

On Halloween (Oct. 31st) @ 2:30pm, the doors to the historic, haunted Million Dollar Theater will open, and everyone will have exactly two and a half hours (til 5:00pm), to document anything "out of the ordinary." From electro-magnetic anomalies to shivers down your spine, if you feel it, witness it, or record it, we want to hear about it, and we want to know exactly where it happened. So bring your EMF meters, your EVP recorders, your cameras, or just yourself.

Each participant will receive their own individual map, which will be used to record the location of any "activity." Please keep your info confidential until after the experiment, to discourage copy-cat contamination.The maps will then be returned at the end of the event to GHOULA.

Based on everyone's data, "hot spots" will be determined and posted online. Then, the actual stories associated with this theater's ghost(s) will be revealed, and compared to the collected data. Those that have devices that need time to be reviewed (i.e. digital recorders, infra-red video, etc.) will have one week (til Nov. 7) to report any additional "places of interest" to be included before our big reveal at GHOULA's monthly "Spirits with Spirits" mixer. The results will be posted the next day @

For this once in a lifetime opportunity to explore this haunted landmark with others from the paranormal community, a $5.00 donation is requested that will go to help preserve Los Angeles' amazing theaters for future generations to enjoy.

This event will also be limited to the first 100 people interested, and the online guest list will be closed at 11am on Sunday, October 31. To reserve, click this link (reservations are good for one person only-- each person in a group must sign up individually). Good luck.