GHOULA presents...
The Many Ghosts of
Rudolph Valentino
Does the flame that burns twice as bright, burn half as long? Rudolph Valentino was only 31 years old when he died, and yet he had achieved a super-stardom that has never been duplicated. His death as cinema's first sex symbol caused mass hysteria among his legions of female fans. His larger than life persona not only left behind an indelible mark on Hollywood metaphorically, it seems to have done so super-naturally as well. Since his death in 1926, his restless ghost has been routinely seen (and sought after) all over California, with most sightings occurring in different locations within our city limits. It seems that even after his life was extinguished, his flame continues to burn brightly.
Come join us for this unique ONE DAY ONLY event as we travel across our city and explore some of the local haunts connected to Hollywood's most ubiquitous ghost...
Seating for this bus tour is VERY limited. Only 24 seats!
(12 guests per tour. 2 tours. 1 Day)
DATE: Sunday, May 25, 2014
TIME: 12:30pm and 3:30pm
(tours run 1 1/2 to 2 hours each)
PRICE: $35.00
MEET-UP LOCATION: The Hollywood Heritage Museum (The Lasky-DeMille Barn)
2100 N Highland Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90068 (map)
(NOTE: Your ticket also includes free entry into the museum, which celebrates its 100th anniversary this year. So please plan to spend an extra hour with their historical exhibits, and Valentino memorabilia, either before or after the tour.)
or for more ticket info click on this link...
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