GHOULA meets for cocktails in haunted places on the 13th of each month. “SPIRITS with SPIRITS” is a casual social gathering of regional ghost hunters and those that just like ghost stories. Open to all, from the curious skeptic to the passionate phantom pursuer. Make friends, and toast a ghost! Let's put the “Boo!” back into “booze.”
All those who attend will receive a free (square) G.H.O.U.L.A. button. If you already have one, please wear it so others can find you, without asking the staff about our group.
THE DATE: March 13th, 2013 (Wednesday)
4356 W Sunset Blvd, Los Angeles (Map)
THE TIME: 8:00pm to the witching hour
"Playful ghosts have interrupted our tour"
-Haunted Mansion, Disneyland
GHOULA is doing something a little different this month (we just couldn't resist this unique opportunity). Instead, of the normal "SPIRITS with SPIRITS," we will be celebrating local ghost lore (with libations) while taking part in another local Wednesday tradition.
Since at least 1931, alcohol has been served at this address, 4356 Sunset Blvd., which is not only at the center of the movie industry's early days (the gigantic "Babylon Set" from D.W. Griffith's "Intolerance" with the giant plaster elephants was just a block away), but this neighborhood is arguably ground-zero for the gay rights movement with one of the first large civil demonstrations in 1967 (2 years before the Stonewall Riots). In the years since then however, it seems the gay community has moved west to West Hollywood, and the hipsters have moved in, changing the complexion of life (and night life) in this hood. thus, Akbar is notable as one of the last "gay" bars left here (however most nights the crowd appears mixed), serving as a reminder of a bygone era like the the old Mabel Normand Studios (used for silent movies) directly across the street.
Even though some believe Akbar has a ghost (or should have a ghost) rattling around inside its historic walls, probably connected to a murder that occurred within this tavern when a "piano bar" (playing show tunes) named Joly's occupied this location, the real reason GHOULA is descending on this neighborhood watering hole is their spooky "Craft Night."
For the past 11 years (6 years at Akbar), Julianna Parr (aka "The L.A. Craft Captain") has been providing a creative outlet for this city's thirsty citizens. How big is Craft Night? If you type "Craft Night" into the Google search engine, not only will it suggest "craft night akbar," but the event's web page comes up first. Additionally, this local craft celebrity is responsible for "Gothtober" (an annual online advent calendar that counts down the days to Halloween), and was part of easily the best (macabre) moment of "Forgetting Sarah Marshall" (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cHF_SLlTz34)
Remember, it is said that Walt Disney came up with his ideas for Disneyland while sitting in a bar, so here's your chance to have a drink and create something equally as wacky (or wonderfully spooky)... if you dare.
(to read about last month's haunted location... )
(to see a map of previous SPIRITS with SPIRITS locations... )
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