Saturday, March 19, 2011

Highlights from March's SWS

Sadly, one of the great "only in Los Angeles" landmarks (a bar plastered with minuscule residual checks) has been converted into yet another fake Irish pub, but even still it seemed appropriate to have our St. Patrick's Day celebration there, and thank you all who came out for this event.

Although GHOULA was able to confirm that this bar does have a ghost story (from an overheard telephone conversation between a bartender and the bar's owner), and the unusual location of the haunting was confirmed (the crawl space above the storage room), the exact details of the haunting were never confirmed.

The bartender told us to talk to the owner about the ghost. The owner didn't want to talk about it, and suggested that we talk to the former owner. After several failed attempts at meeting the former owner, we still don't have the story.

With such a wild goose chase, GHOULA would normally reject this venue as haunted, if it weren't for the initial overheard conversation, which involved the bartender (away from the bar) asking the owner if the place was haunted, and then recoiling from the stories told to her over the other end. It's seems unlikely that the staff would stage such an incident in the chance that it would drum up business, especially considering every one's unwillingness to talk about it after being approached.

This just goes to show, that every restaurant/bar/business handles their ghost lore differently, and why for the most part our group does not announce to the venue that we will be coming. You never know what kind of reaction you are going to get.

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