A group of 40 brave people assembled for a rare screening of "House on Haunted Hill" (1999), featuring a fictional Los Angeles based haunted hospital closed because of patient neglect, at an actual Los Angeles based haunted hospital that was closed because of patient neglect. After Sarah Troop (of the Boyle Heights Paranormal Project) gave an amazing lecture of the sorted dark history and ghost lore of this historic structure, a suggestion was made to the audience to look above the screen ever now and then, and scan the dark windows of this foreboding building to see if perhaps you could catch a glimpse of one of the ghosts routinely seen by residents of the neighborhood as the walk past or look out their own windows. At the end of the screening, a couple of movie-goers confessed that they had indeed seen strange activity in a couple of the windows of this locked and empty building. Also on hand, in the event anyone came close to death from fright were the good doctors and nurses from "The Art of Bleeding" with their vintage ambulance parked nearby in case of an emergency.
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