Sunday, October 31, 2010

Sunday's Secret Location | The Ruins of the Bess Houdini Estate

Haunted Films in Haunted Places | Houdini Silent Short Films @ 7:30pm (Halloween!)

For the daring film viewer only! Join GHOULA and Echo Park Film Center as we brave the haunted ruins of the Bess Houdini estate in Laurel Canyon for a screening of Houdini short films on the anniversary of his death.

You will face mildly daunting parking scenarios... winding roads uncharted by may encounter uncomfortable seating... you may feel a chill creep across your delicate cheeks as you shiver...and wait... and watch. This film screening is not for everyone....but it is FOR YOU.

Here's a map to the intersection of Laurel Canyon and Willow Glen Road, just one block up from Laurel Canyon and Lookout Mountain. Look for parking on Willow Glen Road (Watch out for the phantom carriage!).

The little "A" that appears on the google map is not our exact location....just come to the intersection at Willow Glen and look for us!

WARNING: Do not go to the house that claims to be the Houdini Mansion, we won't be there! We'll be on the ruins of the estate where his beloved wife lived for many years.

Don't forget a chair and/or blankets! See you there...

1 comment:

tymime said...

Hey guys, saw you at Clifton's today. Here's that "Walt" ghost I asked you about: