Thursday, December 17, 2009

Highlights from Dec. SWS

Perhaps it was the cold temperatures, but December's meet-up was made-up of a small but loyal group. That is until, a happy-go-lucky gregarious man of mystery joined our group. He was at the Formosa Cafe for a Birthday Party, but was apparently early since we were the only group there. Then as more member's of his party arrived, they joined our table. These new additions were a smart, lively, and fun-loving group, with many ghost stories of their own to tell. When the "birthday boy" himself arrived, he even had a couple of great stories. The waitress, when hearing all the shrieks and laughs, joined in on the fun with her own personal ghost story.

By the way, she claimed to have never experienced anything paranormal at the Formosa (and she works the late shift). However, when we told her some of the stories connected to the place as we were leaving, she did confess that she has felt the "ghostly goosing," but had always thought it was some strange static electricity that was creating the pinching sensation in her posterior.

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